What is Identity Theft?

1 minute YouTube video


Everyday there are millions of users browsing the internet for products such as food, clothing, jewelry and many other items from many different computers. Although you may be at home or in a public library or any other place that has a computer as soon as you put your information in to purchase an item your information is no longer safe.


Identity Theft is the use of someone else's identity and using it for your own use to gain financial advantage or obtain credit and many other benefits in the other person's name. Not only is this act involved with computers people can also use your ID and credit cards to access banking information and gain access to many other financial advantages. Just in 2019 there were over 1100 breaches that exposed roughly about 160million records. These breaches cost over 16 billion dollars.


“Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!”

To protect your information from these breaches you should do the following:

  • Do not answer any calls that you do not know. If you find yourself answering one of these calls do not talk to them because if you say anything they can use voice recognition to contact banks and them using your voice will verify that it is you.
  • If you use the internet your information is already brought to danger and you should get any insurance that provides help for when this happens so that you can ensure your security.
  • You should also place security freezes in your credit card so that if there is a purchase that you did not make you can prevent any further purchases on your card.
  • Also monitor your credit card accounts to see if any fraud purchases were made form another user.

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