Cyber Safety Project from Camryn Camryn on Vimeo.

Some Facts
About Safety


Estimated Cost (USD) of Data Breaches 2020


Money (USD) Gained by Hackers from Bounties 2019


Minutes necessary for top Hackers to infiltrate a Network


Cost (USD) to buy someone's online account on the Black Market

Staying safe online is an important thing nowadays.

On the internet privacy isn't necessarily a guarantee. Nothing you post, type, or view on the internet is completely invisible.

How can I stay safe online?

In this dojo we will help you to understand what internet safety means and how you can achieve it.

Lesson 1:
What is Phishing?

Phishing is when people pose as a trusted company or person in order to steal your information. Randy Pincherson's here to help you out with this lesson. Click here!

Lesson 2:
WiFi Safety

Staying safe on public WiFi connections is more important than you may think; our friend Wee-Fee will help you learn this lesson. Click here!

Lesson 3:
Identity Theft

Identity theft is a major issue experienced by thousands of people every year; Swiper the fox will teach you how to avoid getting your personal data stolen. Click here!